March 11, 2025
2025 Compliance Coffee Break Webinar Series
Hosted by: Patty Covington
2:00 - 2:30 pm ET, The second Tuesday of each month.
Hudson Cook is pleased to host the Compliance Coffee Break educational webinar series for clients: These 30-minute "mini-webinars" feature Hudson Cook attorneys presenting on various legal and regulatory topics, including auto finance, debt collection, privacy and data security, mortgage and housing, credit reporting, and a variety of other federal and state compliance issues. You may submit your questions before the webinar via the registration link or submit them during the webinar via the Q&A box during the presentation.
Please click on the date to register for an upcoming Compliance Coffee Break.
- January 14: "A Special One Hour Edition; 2025 - What to Expect: A View from Our Friends at the American Financial Services Association (AFSA);" presented by Patty Covington - With special guests: Danielle Fagre Arlowe - Senior Vice President at American Financial Services Association and Celia Winslow - Senior Vice President at American Financial Services Association.
(Request a replay of this webinar) - February 11: "Click-to-Cancel: A Brief Primer on FTC Rulemaking, CFPB Guidance, and State Auto Renewal Laws;" presented by K. Dailey Wilson and Justin Hosie. (Request a replay of this webinar)
- February 25: A special Compliance Coffee Break -"Consumer Finance Enforcement: A Shift to the States; presented by Anastasia Caton, Erik Kosa, Meg Nicholls, and Rob Tilley. (Request a replay of this webinar)
- March 11: "Rental Property Management: 10 Key Current Compliance Issues;" presented by Jay Harris. (Request a replay of this webinar)
- April 8: "State AG Enforcement (Texas Privacy Enforcement Actions);" presented by Megan Nicholls, Rob Tilley, Anastasia Caton, and Erik Kosa. (Register here)
- May 13: "Voluntary Protection Products;" presented by Catharine Andricos (Register here)
- June 10: "ECOA and/or Fair Lending;" presented by Trisha Cacciola and Patty Covington (Register here)
- July 8: The topic and presenter(s) are TBD. (Register here)
- August: Summer Break!
- September 9: The topic and presenter(s) are TBD. (Register here)
- October 14: The topic and presenter(s) are TBD. (Register here)
- November 11: The topic and presenter(s) are TBD. (Register here)
- December: Happy Holidays!
Registration required. All fields with an asterisk (*) are required. Registration is offered and available primarily to clients of Hudson Cook, LLP and subscribers of, LLC. Please register using a company email address. Attempted registrations using a personal email address (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) or academic email address (.edu) will not be accepted or will be canceled prior to the date of the webinar, as will registrations from lawyers at law firms, government employees, reporters, or members of the media. By completing the Webinar Registration form below and clicking "Register," you confirm that you are not a lawyer at a law firm, government employee, reporter or member of the media. We reserve the right to cancel registrations in our sole discretion. After registering, registrants will receive a confirmation email containing instructions on how to log in to the webinar. The content of the webinar may only be used for personal or other non-commercial educational purposes. No one may quote a speaker without the written permission of Hudson Cook; and no one may use, reproduce, or edit the content without the written permission of Hudson Cook. If you have any questions, please contact Patty Covington at