Insights: CFPB

Should the Pawn Industry Still Worry About a CFPB Under New Leadership?
Hurshell K. Brown and Andrea S. Cottrell - May 8, 2018
CFPB Updates Prepaid Accounts Rule
Katie Hawkins - February 26, 2018
The CFPB's New Payday Rule
Catherine Brennan, Meghan Musselman, and Kavitha Subramanian - February 2, 2018
CFPB Notches CashCall "Win" with Significant Loss
Allen H. Denson - January 29, 2018
Rich Cordray's Legacy and the Future of the CFPB
Lucy E. Morris - January 29, 2018
Who's Properly in Charge of the CFPB?
Erik Kosa - January 23, 2018


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